Hello lovelies
You know that saying 'If you want something put it out in the universe and you will get it'. Well I just made it up. My wish lists are more like to get lists. If I want something bad enough I make an effort to get it. I'm going to be moving out soon and getting my own place so naturally I've been doing a lot of thinking and mental planning about my new place.
The Hangover Trilogy
I've wanted to learn how to play the acoustic guitar for the last 2 years .Inspired by the beautiful India Aries' 'In my head'. I want a sewing machine no actually I need one. I want to learn how to alter clothes for both Tiwi's Closet and myself. It's ironic that I did Home economics in high school but I hated sewing. I guess my H.E teacher is having the last laugh.
As you can see I have plenty of storage items on the list. I have a lot of stuff guys therefore I need All these storage items. I am pretty organised when it comes to storing my things but a bit more storage never killed anybody. Would you be shocked if I told you I don't have a phone? Well I don't ... ( hence the cute geometric cover) I have a tablet which I use as a phone and everything. I can't keep wiping out a tablet every time I get a phone call .That just freaks people out and makes me look crazy. I want a Nokia Lumia 1020 because it apparently takes the best pictures and videos, it's also not as popular as iPhone and Samsung , that's a plus in my books.
The cameras are for my blogging and Tiwi's Closet. I see them as investments in my future as I do the camera lighting. I am a big stationery lover. I love cute notebooks, pens, pencil cases you name it. So best believe a notebook made it onto the list.What's life without funny movies. I used to collect DVDs but I stopped. However when I move into my new place I will build my music , DVD and book libraries again. Last but not least I need to get a new laptop that I will actually be interested in. I've gone through 3 laptops and they always end up broken in bad condition or dead. I will be investing in a Mac laptop as soon as I can afford it. Apple products seem to be the only thing I don't break.
Well lovelies this is my wish/ I will get list.
Happy mid week