Happy new year everybody :).
This post is dedicated to my selfie beanie which has received mixed reactions from my loved ones. I love this beanie and it is one of the things I purchased in the 'January sales'. I don't get the hype that people buy into though . It's the same sale as any time of the year and yet people act like clothes, shoes and other stuff is coming to an end and go shopping crazy. It's kind of scary.
Anywho. Today's ootd is very simple. It's my winter uniform. I simply layered a vintage jumper over a black sheer blouse and some jeans. The fur gillet is old and it's thrifted .It only cost me £1.99. uh huh honey ( bound 2 voice). I rolled up my jeans for a cropped look and I'm on the fence about whether I like it or not. The combat boots are also my new found love. I believe they are on sale at the moment in Newlook. They come in burgundy ( my colour), black and white and black. The old me would have bought all 3 colours but I've stopped doing that nonsense.
A trend I never thought I'd find myself loving : beanies. I've shyed away from them for the longest time because I thought they would look funny on me .The selfie beanie just called to me and now I'm in love with beanies. This year is going to be the year of growing my hat collection. My look is evolving and I love it. I've also challenged myself this year to wear more heeled shoes. Why? because what's the point in buying shoes you only get to wear once a year. Might as well rent or borrow them.

She was not having any of it |
My date and photographer |
Well I loved wearing this. Hope you have been inspired.
Tiwi x
Love the Boots
Claudia Finn x
Thank you Claudia :)