
Monday, 23 June 2014

Styling my Bantu Knot out

Hello Bloggersphere

I haven't been as consistent as I would like to, but I have  good reasons. I'm working on soooo many projects at the moment I don't have time to give you quality blog posts. One of my projects is called Fashion Maverickz, please check it out ( I might just do a detailed post on it). So I finally launched 'The Tiwi's Closet collection'. Which for any one who doesn't know is my very own online vintage store ( I will be doing a separate post on this some time soon so keep your eyes open for that). I'm also looking for a job in the fashion industry. It's taken me a year and a bit to figure out what I want to do with my life. Needless to say I will be updating you guys on my different projects.  

Today is all about my hair. I finally tried a Bantu Knot out and I loved the results. My first thought was why haven't I tried this before. My hair feels soft and springy and the curls are a bit frizzy ( I love that though). I'm not what you would call an experimenter but this year I am learning that I have got to be in order to learn new things. Along with the hair style you will also notice I have a little make up look going on. Let's just say 2014 is the year of learning and growing for me.  I got a new 120 eye shadow palette and I wanted to experiment. SO I tried a little yellow on my lids. I actually didn't think it would show up at all on my skin but it did which a) made me happy and b) means that I didn't waste my money. 

So I styled my bantu knot out 3 different ways. The first one I rocked a wedding crown thing which I actually only got for £1.99 over the weekend from a charity shop. The second look was with two large bobby pins on each side of my head. I just brushed my hair backwards on each side of my hair  and used 4 bobby pins to secure the brushed back bits and the last look was with a white hair garland also from a charity shop ( only £1.49). For this look I kept the bobby pins and place and placed the garland at the end of each bobby pined section. All these looks are looks I would actually rock ( if I had somewhere to go) but style number two is my go to everyday look.

Well that's all I have for today. If you want to see how I do my bantu knots and what I use please leave a comment and I will make time to show you how I do my bantu knots and style them. It can and will only get better , remember to stay encouraged and be yourself. 

Have a lovely week




  1. Violet Mwendera23 June 2014 at 13:41

    Beautiful, I like the accessories. I think you should also do a blog post about skincare. Your skin is lovely.


Thank you for visiting Miss Tiwi. I hope you have found something inspiring that will make your day. I love hearing from you so please feel free to leave a comment.